Friday, October 26, 2012

Coming Soon To The Blog You're Kind Enough To Read...

A Whole Slew Of Movies (And They Ain't Good)

I'm trying to use my last couple of days of Amazon prime movies to get all the ones that look at least partly watchable done before my free time is up. This is hard, because there are NO partly watchable ones on the Amazon list. They may have different stuff than Netflix, but that's not a good thing. I don't know what movie hell they drug these out of but wow, what stinkers.

So I'll be a bit busy for the next couple of days, trying to get it all in and probably watching some faves that I've seen umpteen times as well as my new The Walking Dead episodes in order to break up the torture.

Thanks again to all my loyal readers, you've blown me away with all your support and I'll have something for you that's absolutely awful very soon.

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