Working Two Jobs Is Cwazy...
Yes faithful ones it is I, Miss Murder, returned from the grave to... wait a minute. If I was dead then alive again I'd be a remnant and have to hang around Chris Wylde nononononononononononno....
I think I'll choose to stay alive, thank you. Anywho, I've been working on my new YouTube channel (How do you change the name on those things? I'd like it to say Miss Murder, but...) so as you've noticed, new entries here have been almost non-existent. Sorry.

Okay the last half of that paragraph was total bullshit. Sorry Chris. Or Mr. Wylde. Or Santa Claus. Whoever the hell I was talking to...
Obviously this is not a movie day although movie days are really, really late. Sorry for.... ah dammit, just take every paragraph I type and mentally say 'sorry' and we'll get this done much faster.

I finally decided to skip all the company assessment sites and went straight to the BBB. That's Better Business Bureau to keep us all straight. So this is Life Lock's customers who had to go to the BBB to report the LL buzzards. Funny, the cases were separated in categories of Positive, Neutral, and Negative. Why would positive reviews be on the BBB? 'Cause those people had to contact 'em to settle a problem and apparently they did. I guess. And I can print these if I want to because they're on a public website, so there! Oh yeah, I left all the language, bad spelling and grammar too, 'cause it's funny that these people are the ones who were SMART enough to contact the BBB...
Positive Experience (3 reviews)
2/8/2014: I have been with Lifer Lock for 1 year. I live in South carolina and last year their Department of Revenue (what a surprise) was hacked. Because of the the state was offering free credit monitoring. Mt attitude was when something is for free, it is not really the best, so I joined life lock. I recemntly increased my credit line with a company who asked if is was ok to acess my credit report which I gave permission for. Three days later I had an email and snail mail that ny credit report was acessed and that I should contact them to advise if it was legitimate.
So kudos to Lifelock. I just renewed my membership and the only negative is that I had to scour the internet for a promo code to obtain the discount for another year. I find and some of the codes were not valid according to lifelock. The agent blamed it on the sales department. I am happy with the service but find the begging for the promo codes a little demeaning. But I do recommend the company, just research out the cost, it is the responsibilioty of the consumer.
1/29/2014: We have been with LifeLock for several years. If account is 100% set up and all info provided; as we did, protection is provided. We have been notified each time our info has been used. We are happy with LifeLock and know others who; when taking the time to set it up, are just as happy.
2/14/2013: I would highly recommend Lifelock, Inc. to anyone that has had an identity issue. I have been with them for the past two years. They are always helpful when calling their customer service department.
Neutral Experience (2 reviews)
1/29/2014: We have been with LifeLock for several years. If account is 100% set up and all info provided; as we did, protection is provided. We have been notified each time our info has been used. We are happy with LifeLock and know others who; when taking the time to set it up, are just as happy.
2/14/2013: I would highly recommend Lifelock, Inc. to anyone that has had an identity issue. I have been with them for the past two years. They are always helpful when calling their customer service department.
Neutral Experience (2 reviews)
10/29/2014: I decided that I would not renew for another year with Lifelock and contacted them. I was told by the rep that my account was flagged to not auto renew per my request. Ironic that the only unauthorized charge on my credit this year was from the company I had hired to protect me from this kind of thing. I just got off the phone with them and my account has been cancelled with the promise of reversal of charges on my credit card within 3 to 7 business days. They alerted me when ******* ran my credit to open an account, but that wasn't worth the yearly fee in my opinion. Neutral at this point about them.
9/26/2014: I was a Lifelock member for the entire year. When my renewal letter came in, I decided to cancel my service. Lifelock cancelled the service about a week prior to the end of the year that I already paid for. FORTY EIGHT HOURS after they cancelled my membership, My identity was stolen, My bank accounts hacked and over $3,700.00 transferred out of my account.
Is that a coincidence that 48 hours after they cancelled my membership, which was prematurely cancelled. I paid up through October 4th and they cancelled it on Sept 20th. On Sept 22, I was a victim of identity theft. I think lifelock had something to do with this. I don't trust the company. The entire year nothing happened and then 2 days after a cancellation I got hacked? Im not buying it, not am I buying lifelock ever!
Negative Experience (30 reviews)
5/29/2015: Worse customer service ever. I don't think education is a very high priority with the people out there. No common sense. I received information that my mother was going to have the account renewed. She no longer needs this service, as I am taking over her matters as I am her POA. I called and spent 15 minutes on hold to obtain a fax number to sent the POA. I could never get the fax to work no matter what time of day it was. So I mailed a copy of our POA and a request to stop service.
Never heard a word. Followed up a week later and was told I needed to submit THEIR POA. I was never told that on the phone when I spoke to the guy who gave me the fax number. I was on the phone numerous times trying to get this resolved. I have threatened legal action to know avail. Will probably have to go through with it. I just faxed the POA today and the faxed worked. Need to do that before 7:30 am CT. I think they shut it off after that.
I am also mailing a copy of their POA. I will do so Certified Mail. I doubt very much that this company even watches over your accounts. I think they just collect the fee and sit on it. Do not ever submit your credit card information to them. They will take it and run.
5/21/2015: I made 3 calls today into their customer service line. The first woman that I spoke to was pleasant (or so I thought so). After not having called for customer service in a couple years, who would remember all the security questions. I was told that I would have to send in documentation supporting I am who I say I am, but no information on how other than fax.
5/21/2015: I made 3 calls today into their customer service line. The first woman that I spoke to was pleasant (or so I thought so). After not having called for customer service in a couple years, who would remember all the security questions. I was told that I would have to send in documentation supporting I am who I say I am, but no information on how other than fax.
Who owns a fax machine anymore? I called back in, a different woman, to see if there was anything I could do, again provide documentation of who I am, but no method of how. At this point, I log into the account as the primary account holder (my wife) so I can update the billing information. While looking, I notice I did answer the questions (last four of the card number and other members on the account) correctly. This got me a little fired up... I called a third time, and a man answered this time.
After he told me that he wasn't able to access my account, I asked him what do I need to access the account, he said documentation...I asked a bit more firm and direct being the third call and all. "What the **** do I need to do" I asked. He replies with "already told you, with documentation, processing will take awhile". But still no method of what is really needed or where to send it, not that I would send my private information anyway.
I then advised I will cancel the account online. he was kind enough to say you can't...Wow, what customer service! You would think a company that is meant to protect others would be a little more helpful. I am now going to cancel my account on this accord.
4/30/2015: Please read *** *. 9-26-2014 review, I just experienced horrible customer service. I originally called to renew asked about any discounts like Aaa she said I can give you 20% but I need your *** number give it to her she said I'm having problems putting the discount and puts me on hold and then said I can give you a discount but it's a different discount but it's only 15% I said let me call you back and I'll call *** check on my membership number.
4/30/2015: Please read *** *. 9-26-2014 review, I just experienced horrible customer service. I originally called to renew asked about any discounts like Aaa she said I can give you 20% but I need your *** number give it to her she said I'm having problems putting the discount and puts me on hold and then said I can give you a discount but it's a different discount but it's only 15% I said let me call you back and I'll call *** check on my membership number.
I called *** number the same and called my flight back then they told me my subscription is active I just paid, I said I didn't authorize any payment and she told me I upgraded my plan which was considerably more than my original plan I asked her what's the difference she couldn't really tell me that I asked for a transaction confirmation number she said she couldn't give me one and the numbers she was giving me were constantly different then I got passed onto two different supervisors and said all I want is a transaction number you can't give me a transaction number I want to cancel the credit card payment.
The supervisor said that he would have to cancel my membership and then that would trigger a refund per their antiquated billing system I said that was absurd as I am in finance department of a large corporation for over 20 years and have experience with transactions. I said I will review the different plan that I didn't originally authorize and call you back but my first thought was what this *** * comment was that these people have all my information and are quite capable of doing considerable home tonight finances and after the last supervisor said he will definitely put extremely detailed notations on my account and said I agreed to the original transaction.
I said I have lost all faith and confidence in this company's ability to handle my financial security very scary I can see where they would jeopardize in order to gain the business back very unhappy. And on top of not being happy they process the payment that I didn't authorize and said they were unable to reverse the transaction.
Note: I think I'll spare you the rest - they just get worse and worse...
Just one more thing about this, uh, troubled company:
Printed on July 21, 2015 the gist of the article is that the stocks of this company are in biiiiig trouble 'cause LL was caught violating a 2010 order by the FTC that already cost them $12 million in fines... yikes! Yeah, you keep pushing their ads on your show Rush Limbaugh...