Entity (2012) UK
I freaking hate having fibro. For those who don't understand, think of it like having a recurring nasty flu that hits you just when you think you're going to accomplish something and you end up almost paralyzed, staring at nothing, the something or somethings you wanted to do swirling in your head and eating you up. Unless the drugs happen to work for a change and you get to sleep. I have sooo many movies to put up here but so little time to do them.
This is supposed to be set in a Siberian forest. It's yet another crew of another 'hauntings' show called Darkest Secrets (real original guys), checking out yet another site. This is supposed to be a found footage movie. Fortunately for the audience, there's no shaky handheld running endlessly around screaming garbage. That was a plus.
If you're confused as to which movie I'm talking about, that's because, like many other movies, they seem to almost all be using entity, haunting, paranormal, possessed or possession in the title. Just looking up info on this one I waded through several before finding the one I was actually watching. If for some unknown reason you actually want to find this, just look for it with the annoying backwards 'N'.
At the blessed end it dedicates the movie to a Tracey Jane Wilkerson 1965-2012. I couldn't find a trace of that name (this person is not in or working in the movie) and when I looked around as I do 'cause of my OCD all I could find was some chick asking about her, "She's gotta have been 49 or so, right?" Oh, the educational system is working really well, isn't it?
Update as of 5/3/15: A reader suggested that maybe Ms. Wilkinson (I spelled the name wrong originally, what a surprise) was the actress and, wondering if I could find anything out, I looked again. There are several ladies in British media named Wilkinson but the closest I could find to what may have been the person they spoke of ('This film is dedicated to the life and bravery of Tracey Jane Wilkinson 1965-2012' is the actual statement) came in the form of an article of a man who was her partner for 15 years. He spoke of her struggle with cystic fibrosis, how she wrote a script that they made into a movie after she had died, and that she passed in 2012. If this is the right lady, here is the link:
In 1998, because apparently despite the fact that the world is supposed to be a better place where we all get along (not getting into politics here, I know things still suck), in a Siberian forest (that's Russia for those of us, and I'm including myself, who are geographically challenged) shallow graves were found with 34 bodies of men and women in them. The Russians for some reason just wouldn't cooperate and tell anybody why. Duh. Maybe they were too busy covering up the Dyatlov Pass Incident.
But they WOULD allow an English TV crew there to snoop around and do the Scooby Doo thing 'cause they're taping stuff for their show called 'Darkest Secrets' (Running out of names are we?), supposedly really, really dependable 'cause they have a REAL psychic working for them. Uh huh.
I was just glad for the close captioning - the combo of Russian and English accents was NOT something I could handle at the moment. Just 'cause my hearing is kaput, not being prejudiced or anything. Oops, more sneezing, gotta hurry.
Don't get excited - it doesn't really pick up any and is soon over. We have four on the crew plus Yuri so there's no 15-minutes-setting-up-cameras-montage. That is good. There is a lot of Ruth gasping as she 'senses' different presences. That is boring. Yuri reveals his secret (we really didn't ask you Yuri) - he wanted to find his loved one who was one of the 'special' people kept there. Special?

Of course one of the supposed victims is hyper-strong, a super duper massive of rage. So he's blocking everyone and keeping them there. Why exactly? Oops, sorry - good thing you can't catch what I've got through a computer screen, I think I'm getting woozy. Either that or it's trying to keep track of this bull spit.

So Ruth lays down to calmly talk to the rageaholic and help him go to the light or whatever the hell it is she's supposed to do 'cause they feed on energy so no one can get mad or scared - so of course everybody does lots of both. When the remaining two come to Ruth to leave she's acting... funny.
We see the last woman (for some reason still looking like herself, the other 'dead' crew look like black eyed duh monsters) trying to talk to 'Ruth' who of course is no longer 'Ruth' - her face did have an interesting bit of a makeup job but not worth getting through this movie to see.
your awesome,.thank you
ReplyDeleteA wickedly accurate description of the movie. I should have read this before I watched it
ReplyDeleteThat link. You’ve put in for the lady takes you to a totally different lady “Kerry wilkinson” not “Tracey Wilkinson” and a complete different film and title.
ReplyDeleteTracey Wilkinson was the wife of David Gledhill. She died in April of 2012 at the age of 47 which makes her birth year 1965. I'm pretty sure she's the one the movie is dedicated to.
DeleteI actually found the film enjoyable. No sarcasm intended. Yes, I guessed how the movie would end long before it did, but isn't this common in this genre? The atmosphere created and the characters made the movie fun to watch.
ReplyDeleteI was definitely lost. I know alot of the time they would change character's name places all of that. But since this Tracey jane Wilkinson's character wasn't in the movie I thought well maybe she was a writer director or producer or someone connected to that matter. But apparently not! I came more close to wondering the info I received here was more correct. I knew someone that had cystic fibrosis. It's a terrible illness. The fear she lived with & her family not knowing which day would be her last. She always wanted to live long enough to go to her own prom. She past away right when she was getting prepared to going to her prom. My ex's brother being her step dad was devastated. He passed away since as well. I pray they both RIP! I feel her prom was waiting for her up in heaven with God!!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't know where you're getting "Kerry Wilkinson" the link takes you to the story about Tracey Wilkinson. If you read a little tiny bit further past the link in the updates, he tells you Tracey's nephew wrote him and told him the director of this movie, "Entity" used to be married to her and after she passed, he dedicated this film to her. The other film the link talks about, "We're here for a good time, not a long time" is the movie her current husband, the guy married to her when she passed, made about him and her and what the first year without her was going to be like for him. Seriously folks, read everything that's available to read BEFORE you post comments making yourself look dumb.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was the same craps different movie half the movie was so dark I got up and made dinner and just listened and could figure it out...wish someone could come up with an honest to good scary movie that you watch though a hole in your blanket
ReplyDeleteI watch horror films every weekend. This entails watching many low budget ones. For me this one was a cut above most of them, and I was satisfied by it.
ReplyDeleteYeah ive just watched this film and i actually enjoyed it, ive seen better but also a lot worse. It was definitely watchable.
ReplyDeleteKerry wilkinson is an English author. I have his whole collection of books. The only thing I found on Tracey Wilkinson is that she was in bad girls
ReplyDeleteI myself liked and enjoyed the movie. I think that it was done good for a low budget movie
ReplyDeleteSo you have this much to say on a bad horror movie? Sounds like you picking apart something you liked but didn't want to admit. Kind of like teasing a girl in school because you can't admit the truth. A decent, found footage film that actually ties up loose ends. Period.