The trouble with people suffering from fibromyalgia is that they're either incapacitated and suffering, or they're moving very slowly and suffering. I myself am always in flux between the two. My friend Tim says I should type everything in and then release one a day - I've seen other sites do that (in fact I've seen some called something like 'A Horror Film A Day') but unfortunately, fibro doesn't work like that. If I don't get it down and published when I can, it just sits there for days until I have the strength (and the painkillers) to allow me to publish some more.

No, I still am not that interested in 'new' horror films (which, be honest, are just the regurgitated ideas of great writers being stolen, rebooted and splatted on the big screen at the cost of your hard-earned dollars) but still like the less-than-Academy Award worthy movies that smaller, independent filmmakers come out with. And the classics. Let's please not forget the classics.

I also thought I'd do a (small) Jackie Chan movie marathon - not much in the way of horror, but he did appear in a couple of off the wall movies (I am NOT talking about the Rush Hour movies, which even Jackie hates) where both his skill and comedy worked well within a kind-of-horror type movie.
What I didn't know about Mr. Chan is that since the 60's he has appeared in over 150 films - many of them uncredited. How hard do you want to work to appear in that many movies and receive no credit? It is an example of the kind of man he is - not perfect by a long shot but certainly talented and inexhaustible. As a child he was nicknamed 'Cannonball' because he could never be kept still.
Did you know he was in two Bruce Lee movies? Did you know he patterned his fighting style to be the OPPOSITE of Bruce Lee? Wherever Bruce made a stance with arms apart and loose, Jackie would tighten his up and keep them close to his body... in other words, he didn't try to copy his hero, just the opposite. He developed a Jackie Chan style of fighting.

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