The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence (2011) US
The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence (2015) US
In February of 2013 I took a double-dog dare that I couldn't make it through two 'The Human Centipede' movies and then review them. I sighed heavily, remembering what my blog is called. Yup, there might have to be a new type of horror genre created to describe these two horrid abortions of cinema.
But, of course, there was a third one.

The Human Centipede: First Sequence: This is a 15 minute movie that lasts 92 minutes. Because, be honest - the only reason you're watching this in the first place is to see three human beings sewed together. So you have three bandaged-together people. We get mild to severe gross-outs as the three try moving around, the stitches pull and then we get what the audience was probably waiting for - the eating sequence. After the first minute you've seen it and you're done. But the movie goes on. Is it gross? Yeah, kind of. Shocking? Eh - you knew what was going to happen so... Interesting? Like I said, maybe for a minute - then it's okay, let's move on - wait, that's it? Oh, they die. The end.
The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence: Was this film necessary in the slightest? Only if one wanted to see if the audience, already having seen three people sewn together would get squeamish again if MORE people were added to the chain. We have an asthmatic morbidly obese idiot who doesn't speak who obsessively watches the first HC movie over and over again. He gets space in a warehouse and starts conking people on the head with a crowbar to drag them to this place to make not three people sewn together, but ten. And, as in the first movie, we have the poop. Lots and lots of poop.

It's not real looking enough to make you puke or anything, just an unnecessary gross-out to keep people wincing I guess. Grossing people out just to gross them out without a story or a reason seems really dumb to me, and pretty juvenile. Sorry Centipede fans, this just didn't seem like a 'horror' movie to me.

The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence: This movie creates a whole new genre: Masturbatory porn. No, it's not full of people playing with themselves. I'm referring to the proud creator of these three totally unnecessary pieces of shit (pun intended); Tom Six. He tried to up the ante to the max but only proceeded to film a self-serving movie to crow at his own accomplishments. It wasn't enough that he was responsible for these films - he had to be in this one too.

But the biggest disappointment that made me cringe (seeing prison inmates sewn together wasn't terribly scary) was the fact that Clayton Rohner, an actor I like and respect, actually played the 'surgeon' in this barf fest. The fact that Eric Roberts plays Texas' governor was just a minor irritation. I just shook my head and practically clapped when the movie was over.
There's one thing though. Okay, they sewed all the inmates together (meaning they had to be naked). So how the hell did they get their jumpsuits back on? Answer that Mr. Six, you self-serving bastard.

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