The 'dusting' of snow we were supposed to get turned into a four inch frozen nightmare that they promise (yeah, right) will go away today or tomorrow - I'm not holding my breath, but I AM taking a snow day (hey, if the school kids get to use that I'm gonna too) and so the horror movie reviews will have to wait just a little bit longer - but then you were expecting that, right?
If there is anything good to say about fibro (and there isn't), it's that you can bow out of stuff when ya gotta, which is most of the time. AND it's cold. So wherever you are, stay safe, stay warm, stay sane. And for God's sake, PLEASE take care of your pets and keep them sheltered! I'm going nuts here listening to some poor dog barking and howling, probably 'cause it's tied up somewhere outside. In THIS. People who do that should be tied up naked in the woods for a couple of hours and see how they like it.

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