Mystery Science Theater 3000 (also known as MST3K)
I've mentioned these guys before and reviewed the MST3K: The Movie (September 18, 2012) and even had a MST3K weekend at the end of November on my Facebook page (see November 30, 2013's entry for info and link). Since we're rounding out yet another year of tired remakes (and the new word they're trying to sneak in on us - reboot which means, in a word, remake) and looking forward to a new year of... pretty much the same crap with not a whole lot of new creative activity, I've been kind of slacking off (I know, I know, when did I ever NOT).
Joel's on the left... |

The Green Slime (1968): A giant asteroid is heading toward Earth so some astronauts disembark from a nearby space station to blow it up. The mission is successful, and they return to the station unknowingly bringing back a gooey green substance that mutates into one-eyed tentacled monsters that feed off electricity. Soon the station is crawling with them, and people are being zapped left and right!
The Green Slime (Released the same
year as 2001: A Space Odyssey)
If you'd like to visit the MST3K world and you want to do it in order of season and episode (you get the complete story of the robots, Joel and the evil scientists that way) and you live in the US (since these are pretty much all on YouTube) then you need this link for the Club MST3K:
And if you're absolutely dying for more MST3K you can find some at the new forum (I REFUSE to say remake) called RiffTrax:
Bill Corbett, Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy |
I highly recommend checking out the pilot since Joel explains what kind of show he was going for in 1988 (and had that longer hairstyle too) as a kind of Omega Man-like format and the movie itself is... horrible (and blissfully short since he doesn't show the whole thing) but then again weren't all of 'em in the 50's and 60's? No, not really - but there were plenty for Joel to choose from and riff on and that's what made them fun (and watchable). In the pilot the format was that HE had built the Satellite of Love and was the last human alive desperately looking for someone to talk to.
Huh. Sounds like me...
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