Should People Like These Wear Signs To Warn Us?
Lovely Molly (2011)
I can think of a dozen other titles for this movie - Loony Molly, Psycho Molly, Not In The Least Pitiful Molly, Please Die Quickly Molly... just to name a few. No I did not like this movie although I suppose some thought it was a study on the effects of abuse on adult survivors. I call BS on this one. They were going to call it The Possession but do you know how many other movies have that title or close to it? Besides, it doesn't fit. The premise is that newlywed Molly moves into her deceased father's house in the countryside, where painful memories soon begin to haunt her. And, of course, since it sells right now, put some kind of supernatural kink in it and also some nauseating hand-held footage and BAM, a movie like every other damn horror movie being made this decade.
Still clean and clothed Molly |
My favorite line about this kind of movie still comes from one that was horrible but gave up this gem: #1 "Why is the footage all shaky like that?" #2 "It's hand-held footage, it's supposed to, it brings energy." #1 "Oh is that what you filmmakers call it? The rest of us call it headache." What makes it oh so much worse is its assertion that it was made by those who did The Blair Witch Project AND The Lord Of The Rings. AH HELL NO!
For starters Molly was obviously sexually abused by her father after her mother's death, despite the efforts of her older sister to keep him away from her. She then abused drugs, suffered some kind of breakdown and was committed (implied, not said), straightened her life out and decided to marry. Then she makes the incredibly stupid move of living in the house she grew up in. As a fellow adult survivor, the very LAST thing you want is anything that reminds you of your hell of a childhood. But through the whole movie Molly proves that her brain waves never make it to shore.
I'm a nice guy, honest... I only cheat a little... |
The past is in movie form, which jumps from that to the present, which she is videotaping. So you only get half a headache. Since her new husband is a truck driver he's gone a lot which means she not only has her hellhole of a house to live in, she has to be in it alone. The 'noises' and 'stomping' that always accompany these damn movies start occurring immediately, and she starts videotaping, hoping to get 'proof' that it's not all in her head. Conversely, she also starts abusing drugs again, which knocks her credibility back down to naught. Somehow she has her father juxtaposed with some sort of animal, like a horse. This clip clopping plus her assertions that 'he's not dead' aren't assuring to anyone she talks to, especially her sister.
The whole point of the movie seems to be... what the hell exactly is it? Is this supposed to be about mental problems? Actual demons? Ghosts? There are absolutely no answers from beginning to end. We do find in the course of the movie that the people who are supposed to be Molly's support system end up completely failing her (her sister didn't protect her, her husband cheats on her, her pastor has sex with her) and so whatever the hell is going on, she is not going to find a wall anywhere to lean on. And it's hard to feel sorry for her, because she brings a lot of it on herself. No, she was in no way responsible for being a victim when she was a child (hello, fellow adult survivor talking) but she is an adult now, and if there are problems for her for the past, get the hell some help, don't resort to drugs and... whatever else the hell point the movie is trying to make.
Still wanna see me naked? |
Because, in the end, Lovely Molly is anything but. She's a drug abuser, certified psycho (she hides a rotting deer carcass in the basement, stabbing it repeatedly with a screwdriver) and murderess (her cheating husband, the randy pastor and inexplicably the child of the woman her husband was seeing). Lovely Molly is naked, massively whack job Molly. At the end, she goes outside to embrace what is vaguely seen as a man figure with a horse's head. I say vaguely and I saw this on a pretty big screen and still couldn't really tell.
I sure hope my horse pictures are okay... |
In the... second conclusion I guess her sister is selling the house (burn that sucka down dummy) and finds it of course vacant except for a book of photographs... in every one, her sister has replaced her father's head with a horse's head. Ummm, clip clop noises explained uh, I guess? She hears something in the closet - opening the door she reaches out to.... what? This is exactly what Molly had done at the beginning of the movie. So why? You'll grow old trying to figure it out or care why.
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