Scarecrow (2002)
I know what you're thinking: 'Oh please, let her have gotten the date wrong and this is actually the 1973 movie starring Gene Hackman and Al Pacino... dammit! Um, okay, is this some Batman mo... dammit! Okay, let's have the 2013 made-for-TV Sy Fy treat (cough cough) starring Lacy Chabert, please? DAMMIT!'
Trust me, I'd have much rather done the quirky but interesting sounding Hackman/Pacino flick, even watch Lacy Chabert (whom, among other characters, did the voices of 'Meg' in the first season of Family Guy and 'Eliza Thornberry' in The Wild Thornberrys). But no, sorry. But don't worry, maybe the review will be shorter than my overblown title on top. Maybe. This movie can be found (and this is a warning by the way) in the movie collection 'Midnight Horror: Terror & Torment. I can only assume that they meant it to be terror and torment for the one watching these horrible things.
My horror movie worksheet (patent pending) was mostly filled while the beginning credits were running and finished when this line was spoken. If you don't get what the 'twist' could possibly be, you haven't been paying attention to me. Tsk, tsk. And the non-story begins:
This is your typical high school boy in his thirties getting bullied by popular high school kids pushing forty, with a drunk and loose mom. He gets aggressive with her, uh, current liason and the 90 pound weakling gets his windpipe crushed by her boyfriend conveniently in a cornfield that seems to be smack in the middle of this town (and right by the run-down trailer park he lives in) so that he dies staring up at a scarecrow he's been talking to. No I am NOT going to explain that.
The killer uses a piece of rope he conveniently carries with him just in case he's going to murder somebody and needs to stage a suicide, and he and the boy's mother put him up a tree. The police, being... nothing really, don't notice that geez, there's no way he could've gotten up there. Meh. I'm looking for sense in this? The only person nice to him is a hinted-at lesbian in the film. How do we know she's a lesbian? She has her hair cut really short and wears a tank top. Offensive much?

I sometimes talk about stuff like editing and lighting and sound (not much, those things are boring) but the editing was soooo bad I thought I was going to have a seizure. In several scenes, it was like they had to do it more than a couple of times but thought 'aw screw it, I ain't gonna make all those takes match up' so the scene just jumps in front of your eyes here - there - over there - back here, all within the space of a few seconds. It was nauseating. Oh and the movie was awful too.
After Lester (yes, that's his name folks) dies, we get a nice shot of a most touching headline, pictured here. Now fake newspapers in movies are usually pretty stupid (most have it filled with nonsense, few bother to run letters backwards like this one does) but the title was funny enough: Emerald Grove Youth Takes His Own Life - Graduation Proceeds As Planned. Phew, that's relief, I was afraid for a moment there that his death was going to be inconvenient.
But the backward and forward phrases repeated over and over include the words 'you'll be dead soon', 'carving up victims', and 'killer scarecrow'. Wow, they think you're soooo stupid that you need non-too-subtle hints at what you're going to be watching for the rest of the movie. Unfortunately.
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This guy got his toupee' and mustache from Wal Mart... |
Time passes. How much? I don't know, they don't say and I'm not going to make this longer by looking it up.
Olympic scarecrow gymnast contender... |
All the idiots that pissed him off get killed one by one (the owner of the cornfield says 'I TOLD YOU SO!' but never divulges what he supposedly told them) until he faces off with the les... uh, the girl with short hair. Supposedly the girl wins, setting him on fire (Oh no, his one weakness!).
So we're back to the three boys and the one telling the story says it's time for the BIG TWIST... and if you can't guess what that is, I certainly ain't gonna tell you and I'm ashamed of you. Tsk, tsk.

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