From A Whisper To A Scream

After the totally brutal (but extremely cool) viewing of Audition I wanted something a little - tamer. And I didn't have a lot of strength or attention span, so an anthology of short stories seemed perfect as a kind of break. AND this movie stars Vincent Price, so hey, it was a win all the way around. It is described as three stories of terror, but there are actually four, plus the cover story of Vincent telling each one to a reporter. And we have this:

1. Stanley Burnside: Stanley is a mild mannered middle-aged geek who's probably a virgin (he sleeps with his thick glasses strapped to his head for crying out loud). He has to work plus take care of his sister, who's rheumatic fever makes her require ice baths every day. He has violent night terrors where he is torturing and sexually molesting women. One woman at work he is very interested in but she could care less - Grace. Finally he can't stand it and calls her. After a bit of persuasion, she agrees to go out to dinner. After he drives her to a remote spot, intending on singing a song he wrote for her (this actually happened to me when I was a teenager so here's a tip - it's not romantic at all, just creepy). She cringes and tells him don't and to take her home. He tries to force himself on her but she resists and scratches his face. He then strangles her. Crying, he dumps her body on the street and goes home. After her funeral is announced, he breaks into the funeral home and 'consummates' their relationship (Continuity error: He pours two glasses of champagne and puts them on the edge of the coffin. He drinks his down, but the next scene shows both glasses on the coffin, full.). Ewww. Skip ahead nine months (these aren't really hard to figure out but oh well) and a lonely Stanley decides he's had it with his sister, and drowns/strangles her in the bath. He's downstairs drinking beer and actually having himself a good time when we skip out to the graveyard where Grace is. Something is digging its way up through the ground (cool, zombie action) and back at the house Stanley starts hearing things. Breaking glass, lots of goo everywhere, stuff is just a mess. His sister's body is then flung down the stairs. He, being movie-stupid goes upstairs to look (we hear growling that sounds like a bobcat or something) and he himself is pushed downstairs by a dead thing - his boy. It gurgles 'daddy' (pretty good for a newborn) and the screen goes black as we hear crunching and his screams.
The reporter isn't convinced. She thinks it's just fiction so Julian picks another volume and another story:

The reporter scoffs that these were all just tales and fantasy. Julian is getting frustrated (and Vincent does look pretty tired in this movie) so we go on to:
3. Amarrillis Caufield: In 1933 the circus comes to town, complete with a freak show. Amarrillis is a pretty girl in love with a glass eater. She tries to see him as often as possible, but the circus owner, only described as 'Snakewoman' (A black woman with long dreds, that was kind of progressive.) reminds him that he'd be in jail if it wasn't for her. In fact, all of her freaks were normal, seeking asylum with her. She turned them into freaks as payment and as a way to hide from the law. Amarrillis doesn't care, she wants her love, Steven. During one tryst, Steven's hand begins to bleed as sharp things begin to stick out of his hand, he rushes back to the circus. Snakewoman tells him she made him able to eat glass, she can take it away. He doesn't listen and both he and Amarrillis run off together. But not far away enough. As punishment, Snakewoman takes his ability away, and every sharp thing he's ever eaten works its way out, basically splatting him all over the motel room they're holed up in. The next morning, Snakewoman comes and picks up Amarrillis, who is in total shock. She is now her new attraction - Pincushion Woman, one who can have anything stuck into her without pain. And there she stays.
The reporter asks how can a town itself be evil. Julian explains it was that way from the very start - or at least since the Civil War. And we get our final story:

Pedestrian predictable and not that scary, and Vincent himself said later he hated this one, but hey, anything with him in it is always going to be good, even if he really doesn't participate in it much.
1st had to be in TN....I need to move
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't... ever see that map of the US and where all the scary stuff is? Every single state has SOMETHING horrific in it... we're just doomed... :)