Have I mentioned that I rarely like Australian horror films? Maybe because it's the different cultures being afraid of different things. With Australia it seems to be nature, animals, or ancient type beings hiding in the outback. This is no exception. Basic premise: Take six young people you hate immediately, send them somewhere with no phone service and kill them one by one. Hmmm... that seems familiar somehow.
They try to put a twist on the story by saying this is something ancient that those who painted on rock walls tried to warn future generations of, but future generations just got stupider and stupider so warning them doesn't do any good. A group of people who are in college I guess are wanting to see these paintings for some thesis or something, we really don't care. To get to the side with the painting they have to walk through a tunnel in the rock which freaks out one of the girls - she's claustrophobic. Sigh. She drives around while they walk through. We get a scene of a young girl, no idea who, who is obviously massively bonkers who is killed by - uh - her dad I guess. No explanation and no other reference is given.

So finally they start dying (one other 'turns' from contact with the same water the blonde swam in, the rest die) and the only 'alive' girl left is our claustrophobic who has to go through the tunnel to escape (of course). She finds why the psychos don't want to go in there - it's alive. No really, that's the big secret. Think of it more like a 'mouth' than a tunnel. I guess. It captures her with vines and tries (or succeeds, they didn't get that graphic) to 'rape' her and impregnate her with... something but she breaks free and gets out the other side. To what? She has no transportation, she's in the middle of nowhere, no supplies.... but this is a happy ending? Oh, I get it. We're HAPPY it's an ENDING.
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