Deadheads (2011)
Oh where are you third season of The Walking Dead? Why are you making us wait until October - don't you know we're having to settle for movies like this one to get our zombie fixes? It's like eating spinach when you're used to ice cream. Oh this movie had a little bit of promise - at least a halfway original idea (Has there even been an attempt at a zombie buddy picture? SOTD doesn't count, only one of them was dead.) mixed with a bit of funny. For the first half anyway. If you look up information on this movie, you will find... nothing. Or nearly nothing. The best I could find was:
"In a world of putrid zombie movies, Deadheads is a breath of fresh air!" - Bruce Campbell, Evil Dead Trilogy (I find this quote highly suspect - in one scene they're at a Drive-In and Evil Dead is playing... hmm, could there be a connection?)

Synopsis: Two inexplicably coherent zombies awake amidst a zombie attack, and decide to take a road trip to find the one's lost love, unaware they are being chased by the agents of a ruthless company with its own agenda. (Okay only one woke up, and the agenda is never explained so.... they didn't know either.)
That's it. So you'll just have to trust my rather mushy memory to let you know what goes on in this almost-gets-there-but-not-quite bit of zombie mess. At least I guess you could say that in no way did they try to copy Romero. That's saying something at least. The movie begins when Brent 'wakes up'. He is in a crashed type of vehicle, there is a lot of stuff in here but they don't dwell on it. He tries to leave but is tethered by a tube in a badly stitched arm. I actually flinched when he ripped the tube out - and I don't flinch. Outside is blood, wrecked vehicles and mayhem. He puts on his glasses and tries to find out what's going on. Zombie mayhem is what's going on. He tries to get to a payphone or something and runs into Mike.

This wasn't a government oopsy that caused an outbreak - a company named Genutek (wow, how original) has been developing this on purpose to, I dunno, blackmail the country for money? They wanted to destroy a major city but stuff got out of hand. Most got the 'regular' zombie fluid, a select few the alternate version so they could have 'intelligent' zombies, no reason given. And Genutek wants these two bobble-heads back why? More experiments? It's not explained and so the three travel while unaware of the 'bad' guys chasing them.

Brent finds his girl, 'remembers' that it was his future father-in-law (also the owner of Genutek, duh) who shot him dead in the first place (In the head, doesn't that kind of disqualify him to reanimate?) and finally all the characters wind up at her house, where just as Brent tries to tell his girl how he feels they all draw guns and we have the final showdown. Or not. Brent asks them just for one minute. Okay. Okay? They want his blood (or something) and okay? He tells his girl her father killed him - she reacts as if he was telling her the weather (nice acting there toots) and that he loves her but he has nothing so he just gives her the ring and gives himself up. Just as they are about to be loaded in the van for the hundredth time in this thing we get the last minute girl-wants-boy-anyway drek and she put on the ring and kisses him (ewwwww). And every body claps. They FREAKING CLAP. What is this, a zombie John Hughes movie? Because it's also the end. Wow.
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