I don't like movie franchises, and I don't like sequels. Very seldom are they as effective as the original and certainly not at all imaginative, they just use the wash, rinse, repeat formula of every movie before it. This was a rare exception and I'd been trying to find it (I couldn't even remember what it was called.). When they showed the Freddy marathon, this movie was not included, I have no idea why. But I remembered bits of it and it was good. So this came up and I thought let's see how the memory's holding up.
Now that's not to say that everything about this is original. It copies some things, but other movies have copied part of it. WCNN has a little element of The Exorcist and Dante's Inferno with a dash of The Shining mixed in it, but another movie released a year later, John Carpenter's In The Mouth Of Madness sort of filched the idea that writers can create what becomes reality so it's a little give and take. And it goes like this:

After a couple more incidents, Heather calls Robert, telling him of her nightmares. He says 'You're having nightmares about me?' Silly. She responds that no, this is different, Kruger is more... Robert says, 'Dark? Vicious?' as he is currently painting a picture of HIS nightmares, a very nasty Freddy. She now knows that this is really happening and it's not just her.Wes Craven (played by himself, who else) is currently writing a script for another Freddy movie. She asks him about it, and here we get his take on the whole thing. He claims he writes from HIS nightmares (that's where Freddy came from) and an ancient unnamed evil roams the world - if it is caught into a story, it's trapped. But if the story becomes watered down for an easy sell (a clever dig at the other versions of the series he didn't do that were either bad or incredibly silly) or ends, the 'evil' can escape. But this 'evil' likes the Freddy thing, and wants to continue so basically what Wes is trying to sell us is that if Freddy movies aren't made, the evil will mess us all up. Nice selling play. I didn't buy it, I don't think many others did either. But never say never...
After scaring Robert bad enough that he leaves town, and John Saxon thinking she's going nuts as well as her son being hospitalized and prepared to be surrendered to Social Services because they believe she let him see all those movies and 'won't let him sleep', she starts to really lose it. The gray streak in her hair, present when she did the third sequel, comes back. John Saxon starts calling her 'Nancy' and she sees a badge on him (he played her father who was a cop) so she knows that reality is shifting and she's got to do something. After the murder of her babysitter (in spectacular Freddy style) and the disappearance of her son, she has no choice but to enter the nightmare for one more showdown.
Here again it departs from the usual formula... there's no house, no little girls skipping rope singing the Freddy song... what she lands in is kind of an attempt at Dante's Inferno - looking a little like a Roman Pantheon, except corrupt and filled with both water and fire. Interesting. Freddy is indeed there with her son. In this, Wes really tried to return Freddy to the dark side, not the joking slasher of the previous movies. His look is very visceral - he looks more skinned than burned, muscle and bone showing, and his claws are indeed his hands. In that way Wes really did try to give us the real NOES that he wanted from the beginning. So since she knows the routine all too well, she figures out how to save her son and defeat 'Freddy' one more time - except this time he turns into what Wes wants us to think he really is - a demon, who explodes for some reason in fire. That... kind of went flat.

Funny - Wes had wanted to ask Johnny Depp (Nancy's boyfriend in the original) to cameo but was timid. A timid horror writer? Later Johnny is said to have wished he'd asked, he would have loved to... oh well. Oh, and even though Robert Englund of course played his character, Freddy Kruger is credited in the end as playing 'himself'. Cute.

Okay so it wasn't the best of horror but still one of the best efforts of what was Wes Craven's original vision for this iconic character.
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