Let's see, this week I've had two haunted houses, one in 3D the other the 'pay us and we'll scare you' kind, a zombie flick, a horrible torture flick, and a classic. Time for something a little different. At least I was hoping. This is yet another Indie movie so I wasn't terribly hopeful, but it did sound different. The official synopsis once again does not give an accurate description of the movie (What the hell are these people actually watching?): The Smith family with a secret past is visited by a sweet-talking southern gentleman who is looking for small town humanity. But they'll soon find out kindness towards strangers is not always rewarded and the secretive stranger will find redemption does not always come easy. Uh, close but nope. Now if you've come from a dysfunctional family (no I don't mean the kind where you were made to do your homework, couldn't stay out late or had chores, toughen up people) like I have, this movie makes much more sense than it would to say, the typical viewer. But still, even with my, umm, experiences, there was still so much about what went on in this movie that remained unexplained, it was obvious that the overall tale could not possibly be told in a movie lasting 86 minutes - maybe a season worth of shows perhaps, where character development and the different little idiosyncrasies could be explained, otherwise, one gets totally lost and when a movie does that, it loses interest and an audience. But what you see is this:

The mother, for whatever reason, decides to show the soft speaking Nick (the stranger) her 'studio' she set up in the attic. She is almost like a kid showing off her 'art' and continues to babble - until she's knocked out by a hard object in the back of the head. Okay, now we're rolling. The stranger next is downstairs with the father (who heard nothing) and they start to watch sports. The stranger goes to the kitchen to help himself to coffee - he asks the father where the sugar is. When the father goes to show him - bam. You get the idea now. The son had already left the house to meet with his girlfriend so the girl is all who's left. However she has, as she's done probably since the very beginning, escaped her room and is in the woods in the dark. She knows what's happening (hell, the stranger is telling her) and is not coming back inside. He tells her it's actually her he's come for. Why? Here's why it needed a series and not 84 minutes.
This Nick who may or may not have been a real doctor and definitely never had a family, much less one who was murdered, thinks he is saving people from themselves or something. He spouts so much pseudo-religious gibberish that it's impossible to figure out exactly what he believes he's trying to do. So basically and without knowing the entire reason for it, he travels from town to town, listening to the gossip until he finds the kind of family that needs 'saving'. These people are it tonight. The father and mother wake to find themselves bound in chairs, needles and tubes in both arms, a blood pump (Where did they get that relic?) he relishes turning on and off, and increasing the pressure when it strikes him. Again, why exactly? Exposition and backstory can be tedious in a movie but here, without it, you can get lost and with that lose any interest in the movie. As a kind of, uh, last rite or something he uses their own blood to draw a little cross on their foreheads. He then spouts more rhetoric that you can't help but start to tune out because without explanation, it's just not worth listening to. Getting blood on his shirt, he takes it off - he is covered in massive scars - again no explanation. No real one anyway. The father dies first, mother next. Daughter is still outside, too far away to get help (no one is going to help her anyway) and somehow drawn to the ultra-violence happening in her house. See, she's not just troubled, she's certifiably whacked.

The brother comes home with his girlfriend. He barely gets in the door when he's killed. The girlfriend escapes, finds the daughter and they run through the dark woods. The stranger says there's a 'surprise' waiting for her. They find a car and the girlfriend runs to it, the daughter telling her to wait. When they get there, a woman asks what's going on. The daughter takes a huge stone she'd hidden in her sweater and proceeds to bash the woman's head into paste, having to be pulled off of her by the girlfriend. She shows that the woman had a knife and was going to kill them. The trunk is full of Mason jars of blood. Why? <shrugs> No keys are anywhere so they keep running, right into a police car. Since the police know this family well, they immediately go to take the girl home, despite their protests. At the house they see blood in the doorway and go in. Massive duh. They're quickly dispatched by our smiling savior.

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