This could have been called The Ruined, because it could have done that to everyone who starred in it. Other than that this movie was... excruciatingly dull. A big reason for that? Poor story, poor execution and, get this, Ben Stiller as executive producer. This film didn't stand a freaking chance.
I've already done a 'pissed off planet' movie this week but this was on the movie list on my DVR and it did have Joe Anderson so... I gave it a shot. If I'd had a gun, I'd REALLY have given it a shot. It's... it's just awful. You start with the basic pack of young people, the kind you want dead before the beginning credits end, and it just escalates. Is this a 'get them together in a remote place with no cell phone service and kill them off one by one' kind of movie? Yes. Yes it is.

After some time wasting footage of drinking, partying, morning after throwing up, and a long trek through the jungle we finally get the six of these people we care nothing about to the site of Mattias' brother's jeep. From there, yep, more trekking through the jungle. And one of our brainiac women has decided to do the whole trip in flip flops. Yup, they need to die quick. But they survive to reach the temple ruins. A whole big mess of Mayans then show up (I didn't think there were that many much less a whole mess of 'em.) and of course although they live in bloody Mexico they don't speak Spanish. Oh yeah, that's smart. They start screaming in Mayan (which is not translated which makes it just that much more annoying) at the young people, and brandish weapons at them when they try to approach. Cautiously Mattias shows the leader his cell phone with his brother's picture on it, which the guy promptly takes away from him. Smooth move. The Mayans then point their guns (awful advanced for people living in a Mexican jungle who don't speak Spanish) at the young people and, as Dimitri attempts to approach to speak, they shoot him with arrows AND bullets (their version of the 'double-tap' I guess) and the rest of the young idiots scramble up the ruins to get to the top. As long as they are touching the ruins and the vines surrounding it (ominous music goes here) the Mayans won't come close. If there was a good line in the whole thing it was one man asserting 'Four Americans can't just disappear in Mexico'. Umm, yeah, they can. It happens constantly. There are even websites devoted to the MONTHLY disappearances of tourists in Mexico.

Since they die one by one lets skip to the ending: The remaining man and woman decide on a ruse - he will sacrifice himself to the Mayans so she can get away. He pretends she is dead and when they train their weapons on him, she leaps up and runs away. She makes it to the jeep and drives away and the movie's over. Well, not quite. See Mattias conveniently met a couple of Greek tourists who show up the next day to reset the trap. Do we care? I know I didn't - all I was thinking was great, that stupid woman is going to spread that crap wherever she goes because there's no way it's not in her somewhere too. And fade away to... nothing unless you're unlucky to have the unrated version with alternate endings.
1. The woman drives away all right, but the vines under her skin (Told you so!) start crawling around under there and her eye fills with blood as the infection spreads quickly... 2. She gets away, dies and is buried - a caretaker is near her headstone when he starts whistling and the vines on her headstone (duh) whistle back as he reaches for them.....
And that's plenty pissed planet plots for now....
Did you know that this was based on a book by Scott Smith?