This was a directorial debut by Robert Englund and was described as comedy/horror so I both wanted to and didn't want to watch this. And you probably won't. To say it's cheesy, silly, obvious and just plain weird... actually sums it up pretty well. And yet, sometimes it's these throw-aways that can be kind of fun. As long as you don't expect much.
This will be short and sweet because, well, there's not much to tell. Three clueless geeks decide they can't stand living at home anymore and move to California. They meet up with a real estate agent who finds them the 'perfect house' and they are delighted, as it is practically a mansion (no questions please, just... wait). The boys have no idea and don't even pause to think of why they can afford this kind of house. In the basement they find a hole full of hot lava. They're thinking sewer leak. Uh huh. No, wait, it gets worse. A stereotyped Hispanic tries to warn them that the house is bad because of 'el diablo' and they keep thinking he's asking for hot sauce. That is a small but continually running gag throughout the movie.

That hole in the basement? Merely a portal to hell. Uh huh. The boys, getting money from who knows where decide to throw a huge party, hiring a band whose name I'm not going to repeat, and inviting people by putting flyers up all over - uh - wherever in California they're supposed to be.

Three chicks from 'down the street' invite themselves (they picked the band) and flirt outrageously with the boys. They are, of course, demons. Uh huh. Remember, this is a throw-away and if you want something serious and comprehensive, watch Stephen King or something else. The party gets in full swing and the more people that show, the hotter and bigger the hole gets. People start dying 'accidentally' - and they are hidden by the boys who figure if they call the police the party's over - they'll let them know in the morning. Joey Lawrence shows up (I SAID Google him) for a brief part, having meant to go to Tobey Maguire's house but getting lost. His role is blissfully brief before he too is killed. But all is not lost - as the boys find out the girls of their dreams are not only girls but they are also boys (in this movie demons have, um, both sets of body parts) they realize unless they reverse what they've done, the whole house is going straight to hell. Well, that WOULD end the movie. A friend of theirs, a former hard-partying drink-til-you-puke-then-keep-drinking buddy is there, although now he is entering the priesthood. This was to be his 'test' of faith. And our test of good taste. He ends up forgoing his vows (big surprise) gets drunk and 'defeats' the demons by singing the holy song (hold on to yourselves) 'Rock And Roll All Nite'. Yup, KISS defeats demons, who'd have thunk that one up? The demons fall, the house collapses as the guests escape, and the next morning everything is 'reset' - everyone who died is now alive again. Unfortunately. The realtor then shows up and promises to show the boys a new house to live in. As she gets into the car, her tail shows from underneath her skirt.

Okay even typing this made it sound terrible but if you KNOW it's not going to be smart and you KNOW it was just for yuks anyway, you can try to have fun with it. Or pass, 'cause I already watched it.
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