Hello to all those faithfully reading and hopefully enjoying this effort to make even the worst horror movie more watcha... aw, screw that - I'm not that good. If a movie makes you cringe because yet another batch of unlikable teens that are pushing 30 are inching toward their deaths, having a party no one does anywhere ever, a paranormal movie is boring you to tears with unending pans of empty rooms, or thanks to CGI technology when people finally bite it, their blood squirts everywhere except on the victim, the ground, the people next to them... you're in good company and this is the right place for you.
The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant (1971)
Let's step (briefly) into the 70's and the love of the creature feature. By the 70's a lot of the creature features kind of fell by the wayside as psycho killers that never die started to take their place. This movie stars Bruce Dern (yay) and Casey Kasem (uh, what?) and Pat Priest (Marilyn Munster) and a cast of... a few. There's really not much to this movie in either substance, special effects or story.
We've got newly married Dr. Girard who likes to put two heads on animals. Hmmm, is that where South Park got the Mephisto character from? The kooky doc has put heads on snakes, monkeys, and any creature he could catch I guess. But he wants to try it on a human. Okay, he's not kooky, he's downright terrible.
Fortunately for him and this movie, a serial killer has escaped from a mental hospital and attacked his wife. He shoots him. Also fortu - moving along there's a very large man with the mental capacity of an eight year old.
What a good combination (she said with all the sarcasm she can muster). So on the giant goes the head of the serial killer and of course he mostly has the control of the body so they escape and kill and kill and kill...
Finally with Casey Kasem and his incredible toupe's help (?!?), the wife escapes her horrid husband and the two headed idiot/psycho and all the others die in a mine shaft collapse. And that's it. Believe me it was more than enough.
Update 7/14: By now most have heard the horrible story of the last months of Casey Kasem's life and how, even after death, he was treated like a commodity, not a valued human being. Currently it is believed his body was moved to Montreal, where his wife allegedly has a lover.
“Witnesses will testify that Mrs. Kasem has been lying to Mr. Kasem for at least two years, telling him that they are divorced,” a legal letter attached to Kerri's (Casey's daughter) May 7 petition for conservatorship said. “What possible motive could Mrs. Kasem have for such cruelty? Perhaps the younger gentleman that has been staying at the Malibu house and driving Mr. Kasem's car could answer that question for us.”
Casey Kasem was an enigmatic personality who did many things - there are few who do not hear that voice and not know instantly who it is. He deserved so much better than what he got during his final days. Let us hope his illness prevented him from understanding just what was happening around him.
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