Dead And Breakfast (2004)
I know I said I like to pick apart movies, but there have actually been some out there that have been so enjoyable I really want to include them too. On my faves list, this is definitely near the top. Hey, any movie that advertises itself as 'It's like a bad horror movie - only worse' has GOT to be worth a chuckle or two. And yes, I griped that there should be no such thing as a musical horror movie, but this is different.

The music part? It isn't like the characters sing every five seconds - the music is usually under a minute long and is a part of the narration by Zachariah Zelwyn and the Lobos Riders, who are absolutely hilarious and are a positive addition to a kind of murky but enjoyable zombie film. In case you miss anything, he even sings the movie's summation at the end so you remember (not that it's needed, but it's fun). And on the DVD he also helps provide a sort of summation of things that happened which just makes everything that much funnier.

The main heroine, Ever Carradine (Robert Carradine's daughter) seems to be the most level headed and efficient zombie killer of all the group, even making a 'rifle' using plastic pipe, nails, shells and a hammer (which in real life would not really work, but hey, it was inventive).
But Zachariah pretty much steals the movie with both his narration and a song he sings midway through the movie. Check him out on YouTube if you get a chance, he is funny and talented (he's even done a duet with Fergie from The Black Eyed Peas) which made the musical narration fun and not annoying. And his song We're Comin' To Kill Ya is a scream, complete with the zombies getting together for a line dance... my fave part.
In the commentary we learn that the chick in the front with the foaming mouth and tambourine is actually the choreographer, and the deaf and mute character (in the back with shears stuck in his chest) is actually signing the song as they dance...
It ends with an opening for a sequel (I'm still hoping) and is definitely worth a look.

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