Let Me In (2010) US
Can anyone explain to me what in blazes a 'romantic horror' movie is supposed to be? (If anyone tells me the 'Twilight' movies I will personally go to their house and slap 'em silly). Because that's what both the original Swedish and American follow-up versions claim to be. I found nothing romantic (or good) about them.
I actually saw Let Me In first and I absolutely hated it. I mean REALLY hated it. There was nothing redeeming about a story of a bullied boy who befriends a child vampire (which is wrong, she may look like one but there's no such thing and she was old - how old they don't specify, but she admits she's no child).
The relationship is tedious and boring. The obstacles anyone could predict before even beginning to watch the movie. There is just nothing entertaining, enlightening OR romantic about this movie. The vampire makes the poor bullied boy feel better. Big deal. The boy makes the vampire feel better by becoming her friend. Big deal.

I found Let The Right One In during a movie channel promotional weekend and thought it might have been based on a comic book about a child vampire that was entertaining. Saw the subtitles, sighed, but decided to give it a look. It didn't even take five minutes to think wait - this is boring AND familiar. Blast it, it was the same stupid movie. I didn't watch it, but I read the synopsis of the movie, and it was pretty much the same as the Americanized copy with only adjustments in minor details. Dodged a bullet on that one.

Neither film should be viewed by anyone - unless you're particularly masochistic. Or just want to see how high your tolerance level to bad scripts, bad acting and bad storylines is. And for goodness sake don't believe this is something your children should see.

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