Hello to all those faithfully reading and hopefully enjoying this effort to make even the worst horror movie more watcha... aw, screw that - I'm not that good. If a movie makes you cringe because yet another batch of unlikable teens that are pushing 30 are inching toward their deaths, having a party no one does anywhere ever, a paranormal movie is boring you to tears with unending pans of empty rooms, or thanks to CGI technology when people finally bite it, their blood squirts everywhere except on the victim, the ground, the people next to them... you're in good company and this is the right place for you.
The Walking Dead: Characters We Love And Hate
Glenn (Steven Yeun)
"Hey you. Dumbass. You in the tank. Are you cozy in there?"
Thus is our introduction to an irreplaceable part of The Walking Dead troupe, Glenn (no last name is given). And one of my favorite moments for sure.
Glenn is introduced to the TV series in Season 1, Episode 2. Rick Grimes has travelled to Atlanta to search for survivors. He is overwhelmed by a huge pack of zombies and would surely have died if not for a tank sitting in the middle of the street that he manages to crawl into.
He had been watched by a group of survivors in the city, including Glenn. Glenn is able to guide him to relative safety and there he meets the others and we are introduced to some of the other characters.
Glenn is a kick to watch. He will do anything, try anything, risk anything, and come out without so much as a scratch. He is so good at tactical survival that Rick asks him what he did for a living. 'Pizza delivery' he replies. Cool. He fights and survives right along with the others, showing a heck of a lot more courage than most of them.
Who could forget when, in the second season, they found a bloated 'Walker' in a well and for some unknown reason decided to get him out? It was Glenn who volunteered to be lowered in to put a loop of rope around the disgusting mess. And he did it.
He doesn't carry a crossbow, you rarely see him with a gun, but he is as fierce, as protective, as brave and as needed as anyone else in the group. I would say that among the group he is the one you can most count on.
As season two progresses, he is also shown to be a confidant, although he warns those telling him secrets that he cannot keep quiet, but they do it anyway and of course he goes straight to Dale with everything. Not his fault, he did warn them. He also starts a relationship with Maggie, daughter of Herschel, who's farm he helped the group to find. Although she is hesitant, with time she develops strong feelings for him and love develops between them both. She tells him she loves him he can't find it in him to say it back - until the second season finale when they are forced to leave the farm as it is overrun with 'Walkers'. As they leave he finally tells her he loves her. Although everyone has split up, they all find each other (except one) at the highway.
After hearing of what Rick had done (killing Shane) and that he had kept the fact that they were all infected from everyone, Glenn and Maggie want to leave to find their own haven but Rick, weary and fed up with the group's indecision pretty much gives them all an ultimatum - my way or the highway. So for now, they stay with the group.
Steven was born in South Korea but raised in Michigan. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. As a freshman he became interested in acting. He has been in several films and appeared in several popular TV shows including The Big Bang Theory and Warehouse 13. He is another character that I hope has a long and interesting run with The Walking Dead.
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