I have friends deathly afraid of clowns. I'm not terribly fond of 'em myself. Stephen King's It pretty much finished off any wish I might have had to get anywhere near one. This movie will cement it for you if you have any doubts at all. I wasn't sure about this movie, seeing as how I seem to have been picking horrible movies lately and wanted something halfway decent that I haven't already seen a hundred times. You almost got treated to yet another review of The Frighteners 'cause I just watched that again, not realizing that I've done that one already.
Not that it would be bad, it's still a kick-ass movie. But nope, we're gonna talk about a clown with a bloody suit and an oversized meat cleaver that he uses to reduce humans to mulch. I don't think I've seen so much goop since Dead Alive. And it was pretty cheap goop - the whole movie came in at $75,000 - not bad at all. I don't know what it is about goop that makes the ratings system go all 'Oh no! We can't have goop!' That kind of attitude is what kept Dead Alive from achieving cult status until LOTR, and it's also probably why this movie was rated NC-17.

The movie is stalled a lot with interaction between the two reporters and the clues they try to follow, but there's more than enough decapitations:
Drinking Game
1. Every time a head is lopped off, take a drink.
2. Every time the female reporter makes the male reporter feel stupid, take a drink.
3. Every time you see intestines, take a drink.
4. Every time the police ignore something obvious, take a drink.
5. Every time the clown cocks his head to the side and smiles before the slaughter take a drink.
6. Every time you curse my name for listing this movie take a drink.
As usual, please use soda for this game, otherwise you're gonna get plowed.

Do the reporters win? Does the clown get defeated? Does the daughter realize that she needs help? Do the killings stop? Do we get an explanation as to why this movie is called 100 Tears?

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