We start this loooong snoozefest with an entry from Germany. Not a good entry unfortunately. This movie could easily be given a steady rotation of viewing on the channel Lifetime (because men are bad and they will hurt you). We have the huge yawn setup: A young couple lose their son to, umm, okay I'm not kidding, a bee gets in his cereal and he swallows it and is either allergic or the bee swelled to the size of an apricot and he can't breathe and dies. Really.

They decide since that was just so... convenient, they're going to move out to the country in this huge mansion and... stare at each other I guess. Now right away Amanda's character Ellen starts getting freaky deaky signs that she's going to die - mainly, from things telling her she's going to die. Duh.

The boring, not-really-explaining-anything reason for their troubles (and the troubles of other couples who have lived and died there) is that the house is surrounded by a swamp that was used as a mass grave in the Middle Ages and for some reason they've been there for the past two centuries and JUST NOW have decided they're pretty pissed about that.
So... what? I have no idea but it culminates down to Ellen having to grow a bit of a spine, actually saving her husband although he really doesn't deserve it and getting the hell out of there back to the city and the deadly cereal bees. Oh and they write a titular book about their experiences. Maybe they SHOULD move to Amityville...

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