<Gags> Inspired By True Events. That means there are hospitals and dollies and little girls. Aaaaand that's about it. Why oh why oh why, you might ask, would I torture myself over and over with movies about stupid young people I hope die quick breaking into abandoned psychiatric hospitals only to endure (in this case 82 minutes) of shaky hand held cameras, night vision, people screaming obscenities at each other (Gee, aren't they supposed to be friends?) and the ultimate thump thump thump as each fall off the screen until the credits roll?
Well, you have to kind of look at it the right way - don't take any of it seriously. Have some fun with it, because you don't even have to have my patent pending movie review checklist for these kinds of movies. You know they're gonna start as friends, panic every time they hear a squeak, eventually something happens (Ooh! A door closed!) and finally towards the last 10 minutes of the movie something happens that kills them all, finally. Or you can look at the historic aspect of the supposed place this 'true' movie comes from.
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Oh yeah, I'd trust my life to this guy... |
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OMG! It's... a chair... in a room... by itself!!! |
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Okay who's the joker playing Gundam Style? |
I was going to post a bunch of photos and stuff about some of these places but instead, if you're interested, some great sites I was interested in and showed some of the ups (and many downs) of mental care especially around the 1930's.
Site about Kirkbride:
http://www.kirkbridebuildings.com/about/kirkbride.html .
Site about the huge complex that supposedly the movie is based on:
Others with some interesting (and kind of depressing) footage of treatments done there:
Hmm? Ohhhh, the movie - screw that. It didn't even pan out the story it was hinting at about, depending on who you listened to, a woman ghost that kills or the ghost of a kid born and raised there who kills - does it really matter? Instead, here's a drinking game (again, please use soda or you'll get totally blitzed) with the phrases used for oh, about 85% of the dialogue:
A big drink (or if a friend is unfortunate enough to be watching this with you, a punch on the arm) if you hear:
- Get me out of here!
- Let's just go!
- Did you see that?
- There's nothing there, man.
- F### you!
- It's okay, it's okay...
- What, did you see something?
- We have to leave RIGHT NOW!
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So... was THIS the killer? |
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Or was THIS the.... ah, skip it. |

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