This. Was. Awful. Why did I bother? Sigh - it had Jeffrey Combs in it. That's it. And he had a relatively minor part - he was a cop. Boooooring. It didn't help that the person you're stuck with for the whole movie (Annie Sorell) has like, maybe three expressions in her repertoire and she only used two in this turkey.
Again we start with a car accident. No I don't group these movies on purpose, it just sometimes happens. Anywho, the only survivor is this girl who's skull is like a jigsaw puzzle with little bitty pieces and the surgeon tells her she has to have tons of reconstructive surgery to get back to 'normal'. In this case, 'normal' is the unrealistic movie equivalent of 'never had a bruise in her life'. When he's done, she looks perfect. Uh huh. If I thought that could happen to me, I'd... well, maybe not.

They bring the personal effects from the car and here is where I officially said 'DONE!' on my review sheet. Among small things is a handmade Ouija board - it's revealed it was made from the dad's blood, sucked out by leeches. Geez, my head hurts - but at least I know what's happened and how this is going to end. Not well. Certainly not for the people around her who begin to die.

So he talks to the doctor and asks him questions that, dammit, should have been Medicine 101 - like did he make sure of her identity before he 'rebuilt' her using photos of who he THOUGHT she was? Like, uh, dental records for instance? Yup boys and girls it's just that stupid - she is NOT the girl the doctor thought was in the photo.

So the next stupid step is that, of course, the third person in the car IS the girl with the hair and now there's two identical idiots. And they fight. Who will win? I'm hoping WE do and the people who made this movie are now out of work.
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